Cisco 2921, IOS version 15.3(2)T4
Cisco Unified Call Manager Express : Version 9.5
Cisco Unity Express : 8.6.9
1. From CME Router
CME-Router2921# service-module ism0/0 session
User Access Verification
Username: admin
Please answer y or n.
IMPORTANT:: Welcome to Cisco Systems Service Engine
IMPORTANT:: post installation configuration tool.
IMPORTANT:: This is a one time process which will guide
IMPORTANT:: you through initial setup of your Service Engine.
IMPORTANT:: Once run, this process will have configured
IMPORTANT:: the system for your location.
IMPORTANT:: If you do not wish to continue, the system will be halted
IMPORTANT:: so it can be safely removed from the router.
Do you wish to start configuration now (y,n)? y
Are you sure (y,n)? y
Enter Hostname
(my-hostname, or enter to use se-192-168-24-254): CUE-Router
Enter Domain Name
(, or enter to use localdomain):
IMPORTANT:: DNS Configuration:
IMPORTANT:: This allows the entry of hostnames, for example, instead
IMPORTANT:: of IP addresses like for application configuration. In order
IMPORTANT:: to set up DNS you must know the IP address of at least one of your
Would you like to use DNS (y,n)?n
WARNING: If DNS is not used, IP addresses will be required.
Are you sure (y,n)? y
Enter IP Address of the Primary NTP Server
(IP address, or enter for
Found server
Enter IP Address of the Secondary NTP Server
(IP address, or enter to bypass):
Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.
Please select a continent or ocean.
1) Africa 4) Arctic Ocean 7) Australia 10) Pacific Ocean
2) Americas 5) Asia 8) Europe
3) Antarctica 6) Atlantic Ocean 9) Indian Ocean
#? 2
Please select a country.
1) Anguilla 27) Honduras
2) Antigua & Barbuda 28) Jamaica
3) Argentina 29) Martinique
4) Aruba 30) Mexico
5) Bahamas 31) Montserrat
6) Barbados 32) Netherlands Antilles
7) Belize 33) Nicaragua
8) Bolivia 34) Panama
9) Brazil 35) Paraguay
10) Canada 36) Peru
11) Cayman Islands 37) Puerto Rico
12) Chile 38) St Barthelemy
13) Colombia 39) St Kitts & Nevis
14) Costa Rica 40) St Lucia
15) Cuba 41) St Martin (French part)
16) Dominica 42) St Pierre & Miquelon
17) Dominican Republic 43) St Vincent
18) Ecuador 44) Suriname
19) El Salvador 45) Trinidad & Tobago
20) French Guiana 46) Turks & Caicos Is
21) Greenland 47) United States
22) Grenada 48) Uruguay
23) Guadeloupe 49) Venezuela
24) Guatemala 50) Virgin Islands (UK)
25) Guyana 51) Virgin Islands (US)
26) Haiti
#? 47
Please select one of the following time zone regions.
1) Eastern Time
2) Eastern Time – Michigan – most locations
3) Eastern Time – Kentucky – Louisville area
4) Eastern Time – Kentucky – Wayne County
5) Eastern Time – Indiana – most locations
6) Eastern Time – Indiana – Daviess, Dubois, Knox & Martin Counties
7) Eastern Time – Indiana – Pulaski County
8) Eastern Time – Indiana – Crawford County
9) Eastern Time – Indiana – Pike County
10) Eastern Time – Indiana – Switzerland County
11) Central Time
12) Central Time – Indiana – Perry County
13) Central Time – Indiana – Starke County
14) Central Time – Michigan – Dickinson, Gogebic, Iron & Menominee Counties
15) Central Time – North Dakota – Oliver County
16) Central Time – North Dakota – Morton County (except Mandan area)
17) Mountain Time
18) Mountain Time – south Idaho & east Oregon
19) Mountain Time – Navajo
20) Mountain Standard Time – Arizona
21) Pacific Time
22) Alaska Time
23) Alaska Time – Alaska panhandle
24) Alaska Time – Alaska panhandle neck
25) Alaska Time – west Alaska
26) Aleutian Islands
27) Hawaii
#? 1
The following information has been given:
United States
Eastern Time
Therefore TZ=’America/New_York’ will be used.
Is the above information OK?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1
Local time is now: Mon May 18 15:34:41 EDT 2015.
Universal Time is now: Mon May 18 19:34:41 UTC 2015.
executing app post_install
Enter Call Agent
1) Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) — default
2) Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (CUCME)
#? 2
Setting Call Agent to CUCME
executing app post_install done
Configuring the system. Please wait…
Changing owners and file permissions.
Tightening file permissions …
Change owners and permissions complete.
Creating Postgres database …. done.
INIT: Switching to runlevel: 4
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
==> Starting CDP
STARTED: probe
STARTED: fndn_udins_wrapper
STARTED: /usr/wfavvid/
STARTED: /usr/bin/
Waiting 82 …
IMPORTANT:: Administrator Account Creation
IMPORTANT:: Create an administrator account. With this account,
IMPORTANT:: you can log in to the Cisco Unity Express GUI and
IMPORTANT:: run the initialization wizard.
Enter administrator user ID:
(user ID): cueadmin
Enter password for cueadmin:
Confirm password for cueadmin by reentering it:
CUE-Router# sh license
Index 0 Feature: VMIVR-VM-MBX
Period left: 8 weeks 4 days
License Type: Evaluation
License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted
License Count: 600 / 0
License Priority: None
Index 1 Feature: VMIVR-PORT
Period left: Life time
License Type: Permanent
License State: Active, In Use
License Count: 2 /2
License Priority: Medium
Index 2 Feature: VMIVR-IVR-SESS
Period left: 8 weeks 4 days
License Type: Evaluation
License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted
License Count: 60 / 0
License Priority: None
Index 3 Feature: TCV-USER
Period left: 8 weeks 4 days
License Type: Evaluation
License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted
License Count: 600 / 0
License Priority: None
To see how to activate evaluation license, click below
Cisco Unity Express Basic Setup and Troubleshooting tips.