Category: Firewall
Fortigate Debug Tips
SSL/TSL Encryption and certificate 101
Good site to understand how SSL works~ SSL/TSL handshark There are many tutorials and video how to SSL/TLS HTTPS protocol is working, but below video is…
[Sophos UTM9] SnapChat text is not working on iPhone
I have installed the Sophos UTM9 firewall that released for home use only. This firewall is pretty good. Actually, the firewall is one of the…
Cisco IOS Zone based Firewall configuration and Tips
Simple 6 Steps to configure Notes; Zones; Internet, Trust, WAAS and Guest Interface Serial1/0 : To the Internet Interface Gi0/0 : Trust Interface G1/0…
IPSec VPN between Cisco Router and ASA without NAT
Sample configuration for IPSec VPN between Cisco Router and ASA 5520 ver8.4 without NAT. Notes; R1 : Cisco 3745 ver. 12.4(15)T14 ASA : Cisco…
Firewall rules for Apps.
Tweet Reference firewall rules for well-known Apps. KaKaoTalk Free call and video Outgoing ports(To the destination) – Signaling : Destination IP(Network) – 110.76.141.x,…
Best practice firewall setting for user FTP traffic
Tweet How you handle user FTP traffic? as you know there are two transfer modes, passive and active, for FTP traffic. – Active mode :…
How to configure Pix 515 for connecting PDM
This is a quick guide for configuring Cisco PIX 515 which is discontinued model. Even though Cisco PIX 515 is kinds of old model, it…
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