Category: MS PowerShell
PowerShell: How to use SSH.NET Library for Cisco on Windows 7
As a network engineer, Expect script is handy on linux environment. Since working on Windows environment with limited power to install 3rd party software. Microsoft…
PowerShell: Searching text string on files.
1. Looking for string "janice" and create an output file as "output.txt" dir C:\MyFolder I *.txt -R | Select-String -Pattern janice > C:\MyFolder\output.txt…
Powershell script to save Cisco configuration by SSH
It is been a while…. to figure it out due to I am not doing script and programming for the living. Few issues I found…
Cisco device output by Powershell script
Here is simple tip of How to retrieve Cisco device output by Powershell script $User = "John" $pw = "ipBalance" $IP = "" #List…
Simple Ping Script in PowerShell with IP list
Here is a simple Ping script with list of IP address or computer names. 1. IPList.txt Format of "IPList.text" would be like below. …
Simple Ping Script in PowerShell for block of IPs
Here is a simple ping script for block of IPs. Bring PowerSheel ISE and copy & paste below script. $ping = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping…
MS PowerShell Script Basic
1. Execution policy – Restricted – Unrestricted – RemoteSigned – AllSigned – Bypass > get-executionpolicy Restricted > set-executionpolicy unrestricted ; you must be…
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