VM machine is very useful when you are testing some s/w or systems. Network connectivity should be configured within VM machine, in this case VM Player 4.0. Some reasons, I always stuck on network connectivity issue. ESXi has a called virtual switch that is allowing us at least to door to troubleshoot an issue. How about VM Player 4.0 for windows? Yes it does.
Unfortunately, a network tool needs to be installed separately.
Here is the step
1. Open a DOS windows and go where VMware-player-4.x.x-yyy.exe is located.
2. Execute below command.
VMware-player-4.x.x.*.exe -e c:\VMtool
3. Find a file, “network.cab”, and extract it.
4. Below extracted files must copy to VM Player 4.x folder (Typically “C:\Program Files(x86)\VMware\VMware Player\”.)
5. Execute “vmnetcfg.exe”
6. Check VMnet0 that will have more time to play with.