How to extend space of individula page on technote

Tweet Only for admin user – How to extend space of individula page on technote Go to table manager and find database named a_tn2_kkkbodyonly_list, then open it. …

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Free Experience WorldWide Telescope

  I always curious about universe, but I couldn’t afford buying decent telescope. This is cool website and you can learn something you never think…

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Useful free file and folder synchronizing utility from Microsoft

SyncToy 2.1 is a free utility that allows synchronizing files and folders between locations. Generally, it  uses include sharing files, such as documents, photos, videos…

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Joomla Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::onAuthenticate() in

Tweet While we was installing few module and plugins, we got below error message. Why? Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::onAuthenticate() in /home/iqng/public_html/libraries/joomla/user/authentication.php on line 121 Ended…

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Basic Linux Commands

[ Terminal ] Alt +F6 = Terminal switcher [ Users management ] Check user list Linux# cat /etc/passwd   adduser JohnG passwd JohnG or useradd …

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Alerts on Solarwinds NetFlow Configurator

Tweet We saw Solarwinds provides good free tools, and tried to test a Solarwinds Netflow Configurator, but never chance. Today, we installed it as fly…

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VLAN database Error: NV storage failure

Tweet While I was doing VLAN lab, I kept getting below errors as adding new VLAN on VLAN database mode. Error on database apply 40: NV…

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Avoiding arthritis by using Cisco IOS Alias commands

Tweet Isn’t that too real on subject? I hope! I believe that at least some of you guys agree with me here. If someone is…

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Synergy error – Failed to save configuration: Access is denied

Tweet Synergy software is well known utility for sharing keyboard and mouse while using two or more computers at the same time. I love this software…

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Believe it or not – famous hacker

Tweet   I watched this video clip more than 10 times now, still I cannot believe this young gentleman how he can do this. Have he…

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How to setup Terminal Server on linux(OpenSUSE) for Dynamips

Tweet My dynamips was running on Window XP before it migrated to OpenSUSE. Since I used GNS3 on OpenSUSE, I didn’t need to setup Terminal Sever….

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How to start traffic sniffing using Wireshark for beginner

As a network engineer, if you are familiar with one of  sniffing tools, it would be big plus on your troubleshooting path. If you never…

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