For the windows systems, no IPv6 software installation is necessary, but IPv6 stack should be enable to use IPv6 addressing. The procedure is quite simple enough see below. Below procedure will dectate how to install/enable and uninstall IPv6 on Windows XP and Vista respectively.
1. Install/enable IPv6 stack on Windows XP
Open DOS window by [window key + ‘R’]
From DOS prompt, type "netsh interface ipv6 install"
To verify, type "ipconfig"
From DOS prompt, type "netsh" and "netsh>interface>ipv6>show interface" or "netsh>interface>ipv6>show address"
2. Uninstall IPv6 stack on Windows XP
Open DOS window by [window key + ‘R’]
From DOS prompt, type "netsh interface ipv6 uninstall"
To verify, type "ipconfig"
3. Install/enable IPv6 stack on Windows XP
4. Uninstall IPv6 stack on Windows XP