Most powerful Google search engine tips and syntax structure.
* Try Google Chrome Browser, if you have problem below syntax with Firefox or IE.
– Explicit Phrase or word: Looking explicit phrase or word, use double quotes.
ex) "ipbalance"
– "OR" : one or the other (Note: The OR has to be capitalized).
ex) Technology OR Technical
– Search within a Specific site:
ex) helper-address
ex) bgp tips
– Specific Document Types:
ex) "Technolgy researching" filetype:ppt
– Exclude Words: "-" sign in front of the word you want to exclude.
ex) Technology tips -marketing
– Include Similar Words:
ex) "Technology researching" ~professional
– Word Definitions:
ex) define:plethora
– Phonebook searching:
ex) phonebook:301-555-1234
ex) rphonebook: Washbi jones CA (Residential phonebook)
** Area code searching:
– Move info
ex) movie: Number 9
– Numeric Ranges:
ex) 1001..1005 Green St.
– Calculator:
ex) 48512 * 1.02
ex) 12 + 34 – 56 * 7 / 8
ex) 25% of 469
ex) 2^9 or 2**9
ex) 200 Euros in USD, 220 lbs in kg, or 70 in hex
– allintext: All query words must appear in the text body.
ex) allintext:technology ip internet
– intext: A query word must appear in the text body.
ex) Barak Obama intext:TAX (Search Barak Obama with TAX in the text body)
– allintitle: All query words must appear in title(Meta).
ex) allintitle: Google query Operators
– intitle: A query word must appear in title(Meta).
– allinurl: All query words must appear in the URL.
ex) allinurl:Google query
– inurl: A query word must appear in the URL.
ex) Google inurl:query
– Searching(Querying) for mp3 files from Google index.
ex) Google: -inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:”index of” “Last modified” mp3
ex) * -inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle: will narrow down scope of searching areas.
ex) Google: -inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:”index of” “Last modified” mp3 "Mozart"