Cisco Unified Communication Manager Express (CUCME) Voice Translation-Rule examples & Tips
1. Translation-rule
/\(….\)/ /645\1/ ; Adding 645 in front of 4 digits extension that is displayed as caller ID.
ex) dial 1234 –> 6451234
/^.*/ // ; Any tring will be translated to null string
ex) 7034561234 –>
// // ; Nothing translated
ex) 7034561234 –> 7034561234
/\(^…\)123\(…\)/ /\1777\2/ ; Translate strings from the middle of the input string
ex) 7031238822 –> 7037778822
/\(.*\)1234/ /\15678/ ; Translate strings from the end of the input string
ex) 7035551234 –> 7035555678
/^703…\(….\)/ /555\1/ ; Translate multiple patterns
ex) 7037771234 –> 5551234
2. Called party
being updated
3. Calling party
; Adding area code(645) in front of 4 digits local private extension(calling party) on caller ID.
voice translation-rule 6
rule 1 /\(….\)/ /645\1/
voice translation-profile Outbound-VoIP
translate calling 6
dial-peer voice 5000 voip
description To Remote office 777xxxx
translation-profile outgoing Outbound-VoIP
destination-pattern 777….$
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-notify
vad aggressive
4. Verifying
; Show voice translation-rule x