CUCME inbound & outbound dial-peer matching order

When you are troubleshooting a dial-peer issue on Cisco Unified Call Manager Express, understanding of how dial-peer works is important.

Outbound dial-peer matching is completed on a digit-by-digit basis. Therefore, the router or voice gateway checks for dial-peer matches after receiving each digit and then routes the call when a full match is made.


Outbound calls in dial-peer


The router or voice gateway matches outbound dial-peer in the following order:


1. The router or gateway uses the dial-peer destination-pattern command to determine how to route the call.


2. The destination-pattern command routes the call in the following manner:


– On POTS dial peers, the port command forwards the call.

– On VoIP dial peers, the session target command forwards the call.


3. Use the show dialplan number string command to determine which dial peer is matched to a  specific dialed string. This command displays all matching dial peers in the order that they are used.


So outbound DP match is based on destination-pattern and so we can modify the called number to match a specific DP.


Inbound calls in dial-peer


The router or voice gateway matches inbound dial-peer in the following order:


1. The router or gateway attempts to match the called number of the call setup request with the configured incoming called-number of each dial peer.


2. If a match is not found, the router or gateway attempts to match the calling number of the call setup request with answer-address of each dial peer.


3. If a match is not found, the router or gateway attempts to match the calling number of the call setup request to the destination-pattern of each dial peer.


4. The voice port uses the voice port number associated with the incoming call setup request to match the inbound call leg to the configured dial peer port parameter.


5. If multiple dial peers have the same port configured, then the router or gateway matches the first dial peer added to the configuration.


6. If a match is not found in the previous steps, then the default is dial peer 0.




Your incoming dial-peer is always the pots 3820 dial-peer.

What are the answer-address of incoming calls received on this dial-peer?

Is only 8723463157? Or can be different?


If the incoming calls has always the 8723463157 calling number, you can move the translation rule that add special prefix to this pots dial-peer.


If not we can try to create a new incoming pots dial-peer for specific answer-address.



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