Wake on LAN extention for SSL explorer

It is nice to have an extension for Wake on LAN. You can save some electric cost to control workstations and devices that are not used all the time. Of course the devices should support WOL function.

I found an extention from web(googling) and linked below.

Download Wake on lan for linux client download
(ATTN: I just provide a link to download)

How it works? Basically, script sending(broadcast) magic frame on the same broadcast domain. Workstation that is enable Wake on LAN function monitoring the magic frame. When they have received it, it wake the machine up.

How the frame looks like?

FFFFFFFFFFFF + at least 16 times of MAC address that you want to wake up.

ex) MAC 00:14:D1:14:C7:B2


Now, go to SSL explorer and add the extension

1. Download WOL extention and save a directory where you know well.

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


2. Click ‘Extention Manager’ from SSLexplorer (left side)

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


3. Click ‘Upload Extension’ 

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


4. Browse the WOL extension and open it 

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


5. Highlight the extension from the a folder where you saved the extension 

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


6. Click ‘upload’ 

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


7. Now, you can see new installed extension ‘Wake-On-Lan Client for Windows 

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


8. Let’s Create Application Shortcut. Click ‘Applications’ on Resources menu. 

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


9. Click ‘Create Application Shortcut’ 

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


10. Choose ‘Wake-On-Lan Client for Windows


11. Provide a name and description 

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


12. Provide MAC and Host IP address as

o  Do not put target host’s IP address.
o  Common mistake, do not put IP address of your machine that you want to wake up. You need to send broadcast packet/frame
o  Default value is 9(UDP), make sure incase your firewall is not blocking it

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


13. Add users 

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer


14. Done. New installed shortcut icon will be shown at screen. 

Wake on LAN with sslexplorer 


Now, you can save some energy and $$$ here !


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