Cisco Call Manager Express(CME) or Cisco Unified Call Manager Express(CUCME) is one of popular VoIP solution in the mid-size voice of IP telephony market. This article will provide anything you need to know about Cisco CME basic setup and troubleshooting in daily basis.
0. VoIP Basic Knowledge
1. VoIP Basic Configuration
2. VoIP Feature
3. Dial Plan
4. Trunk Configuration
5. Troubleshooting
6. Commend Reference
7. More 2
0. VoIP Basic Knowledge
0-1. Call Type
– Local call : A call is not passing either PSTN or WAN.
– On-net : A call is within a same data domain
– Off-net : A call is existing data domain to PSTN. (ex, dial “9”)
– PLAR : Automatically connects one phone to another(without dialing)
– PBX-to-PBX : Originates at one PBX and terminates at another
– Intercluster Trunk Calls : A call is being routed between two Cisco CM or CME.
– On-net-to-off-net : A call type that is routed from Internal phone network to external phone network such as PSTN.
0-2. Codec
– G.711 : PCM, 64Kbps = (2 * 4Khz) * 8bit/sample, (MOS 4.1)
– G.726 : ADPCM, 32Kbps = (2 * 4Khz) * 3bit/sample, (MOS 3.85)
– G.728 : LD CELP, 16 Kbps = (2 * 4Khz) * 2bit/sample, (MOS 3.61)
– G.729 : CS-ACELP, 8 Kbps, (MOS 3.9)
– G.729A : CS-ACELP, 8 Kbps, (MOS 3.9)
– G.723.1A : MPMLQ, 6.3 Kbps, (MOS 3.9)
– G.723.1B : ACELP, 5.3 Kbps, (MOS 3.8)
– ILBC(Internet Low Bitrate Codec) : 15.2 Kbps(MOS 4.1)
0-3. Digital Voice Encoding
– 4000Hz x 2 x 8 bit per sample = 64000 bit per second (64Kbps)
– DS0 = 64Kbps
– DS1 = DS0 x 24 = 1.544Kbps.
– DSP : A role of converging Analog to Digital signal
– Voice termination
– Conferencing
– Transcoding (by DSP) : To enable various codecs.
1. VoIP Basic Configuration
Notes; Cisco ISR G2 29xx Router at lab.
1-1. Activate CME and license
; The Cisco IOS universal image contains all packages and features in one image. (Since IOS 15.0 / UniversalK9 package). So, you don’t need to install CME like old Cisco CME 7..x, but eable it.
The CME-SRST feature will be enabled only once the uck9 technology-package license has been accepted (by activating and reloaded). If the uck9 technology-package license is not installed, then no voice related commands will be accepted by CLIs.
Router# show version
Technology Package License Information for Module:’c2900′
Technology Technology-package Technology-package
Current Type Next reboot
ipbase ipbasek9 Permanent ipbasek9
security securityk9 Permanent securityk9
uc uck9 Permanent uck9
data None None None
NtwkEss None None None
CollabPro None None None
If not installed, try below
Router# conf t
Router(config)# license boot module c2951 technology-package uck9
Router(config)# exit
Router# reload
1-2. Telephony-Service (means phone will use SCCP)
; If you are planning to use SIP phone, this is not a way to setup)
Router# conf t
Router(config)# clock timezone EST -5
Router(config)# ntp server x.x.x.x
1-2-1. Enable Telephony-Service with essential commands
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# ip source-address x.x.x.x port 2000 : x.x.x.x will be tftp, CME and 2000 is default port#.
Router(config-telephony)# max-ephone xx
Router(config-telephony)# max-dn xx
Router(config-telephony)# auto-reg-ephone : To allow add/delete ephone thru GUI.
Router(config-telephony)# auto assign 1 to 10
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-file version-stamp
Router(config)# telephony-service setup : For easy steps to start.
* Default Cisco SKINNY protocol, port 2000.
1-2-2. Telephony-Service / QoS
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# ip qos dscp af31 signaling
Router(config-telephony)# ip qos dscp af41 video
Router(config-telephony)# ip qos dscp ef media
1-2-3. Telephony-Service / Software conference
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# max-conference 8 gain -6 (default)
1-2-4. Telephony-Service / Music on hold
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# moh “”
Router(config-telephony)# multicast moh port 2000
1-3. Define ephone-dn
Router# conf t
Router(config)# ephone-dn xx dual-line
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number xxxx secondary xxxxxxxxxx no-reg both
Router(config-ephone-dn)# description [First Line]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# label [Tony]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# name [Tony Hello]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# pickup-group 3000
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward busy 2000 : 2000 is voice mail box#.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward noan 2000 : 2000 is voice mail box#.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# night-service bell
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-waiting beep
Router(config)# ephone-dn yy dual-line
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number yyyy secondary yyyyyyyyyy no-reg both
Router(config-ephone-dn)# description [Second Line]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# label [Tony-2]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# name [Tony Hello]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# pickup-group 3000
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward busy 2000 : 2000 is voice mail box#.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward noan 2000 : 2000 is voice mail box#.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# night-service bell
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-waiting beep
– Define ephone-dn-template
Router(config)# ephone-dn-template 1
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# call-forward busy 2000
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# call-forward noan 2000 timeout 15
– Applying
Router(config)# ephone-dn 10
Router(config-ephone-dn)# ephone-dn-template 1
– Verifying
Router# show telephone-service ephone-dn-template
1-4. Register ephone
Router# conf t
Router(config)# ephone-xx
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address xxxx.yyyy.zzzz
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:xx 2:yy
Router(config-ephone)# type CIPC or 7945 and etc.
Router(config-ephone)# night-service bell
Router(config-ephone)# paing-dn xxxx : xxxx will be paging #.
Router(config-ephone)# username [Tony] password XXXXXXXX
Router(config-ephone)# speed-dial 1 XXXX label “XXXXXXXX”
Router(config-ephone)# speed-dial 2 XXXXXX label “XXXXXXXX”
Router(config-ephone)# speed-dial 3 XXXXXX label “XXXXXXXX”
Router(config-ephone)# speed-dial 4 XXXXXX label “XXXXXXXX”
Router(config-ephone)# pin 2580
Router(config-ephone)# reset
1-5. SIP enable
Router# conf t
Being updatd…….
1-6. Cisco CME GUI access and control
Router# conf t
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# web admin system name [xxxxx] secret 0 [yyyyy]
Router(config-telephony)# dn-webedit : configure & change extention numbers.
1-7. Cisco CME FXS(Foregin Exchange Station) configuration
– Supervisory signal : -48V of current(Ring / Tip), indicates condition of phone.
– Address signal : Pulse, Dial-type (Pulse/DTMF), indiates dialing status
– Information signal : Check phone’s condition by hearing dial-ton.
Router# conf t
Router(config)# voice-port 0/1/0
Router(config-voiceport)# signal groundstart
Router(config-voiceport)# cptone GB
Router(config-voiceport)# ring cadence pattern01
Router(config-voiceport)# no shutdown
* Reset interface by ‘shut’ and ‘no shut’ after signal type changes.
1-8. Cisco CME FXO(Foregin Exchange Office) configuration
– To link a trunk or tie line.
Router# conf t
Router(config)# voice-port 0/0/0
Router(config-voiceport)# signal groundstart
Router(config-voiceport)# connection plar opx 5001 : Without “opx” FXO won’t check user is able to take a call.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 30 pots
Router(config-dialpeer)# destination-pattern 9T
Router(config-dialpeer)# port 0/0/0
1-9. Timer and Timing configuration
– Timeouts initial : (Default 10 sec), a period of time to get busy signal after off hook.
– Timeouts interdigit : (Default 10 sec), a period of timeout between number pressed. When first digit gets in, CME is checking a call routing table to send, if not, wait 10 seconds for next digit.
– Timeouts ringing : (Default 180/3min), a period of time for ringing.
– Timing digit : A condition of digit signal when it is sent to PBX or Key system.
– Timing interdigit : A period of time between digits when it is sent to PBX or Key system.
– Timing hookflash-in and hookflash-out : (Default 500ms/0.5sec).
Router# conf t
Router(config)# voice-port 0/0/0
Router(config-voiceport)# timeouts initial 15
Router(config-voiceport)# timeouts interdigit 15
Router(config-voiceport)# timeouts ringing 240
Router(config-voiceport)# timing hookflash-in 500
1-10. Useful Show & test commands
Show call active voice
Show call active voice brief
Show controller T1 | E1
Show dialplan number #
Show dialplan incall 0/0/0:15 number [testing #]
Show dial-peer voice summary
Show ephone registered
Show ephone-hunt 1
Show ip rtp header-compression
Show voice dsp : To display analog signal converts packets
Show voice port
Show voice port x/y/z
Show voice port summary
Show voice busyout
Show voice call
Show voip rtp
test voice translation-rule 1 202 xxx yyyy
2. VoIP Features
2-1. Night-service bell
; Receiving calls from xx (ephone-dn) within day and time of the night will forward to xx(ephone)
Router# conf t
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# night-service code *1234
Router(config-telephony)# night-service day Mon 16:00 08:00
Router(config-telephony)# night-service day Tue 16:00 08:00
Router(config-telephony)# night-service day Wed 16:00 08:00
Router(config-telephony)# night-service day Thu 16:00 08:00
Router(config-telephony)# night-service day Fri 16:00 08:00
Router(config)# ephone-dn xx
Router(config-ephone-dn)# night-service bell
Router(config)# ephone xx
Router(config-ephone)# night-service bell
2-2. Outbound Call Block
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# after-hours block pattern 1 3201 7-24
Router(config-telephony)# after-hours day Sun 12:00 1114:00
2-3. IP phone URLs
Services URL: http://x.x.x.x/voiceview/common/
Authentication URL: http://x.x.x.x/voiceview/authentication/
2-4. Hunt-group Setting : Main phone# and call distribution
Router(config)# ephone-hunt 1 peer
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# pilot 3344
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list 3323, 3301, 3344, 3367
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# final 3344
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# timeout 10
* Call distribution methods
– Sequential : Go by a list in order
– Peer : Whoever pickup the phone, following person will take turn.
– Longest-idel : calls distributed in idle condition
2-5. Paging
– One way / Broadcast
– Multicast preferred (Unicast / less than 10 ephones)
– Create a paging phone #
– Add the paging # on ephones where they want to receive paing messages.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 10
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 5000
Router(config-ephone-dn)# name [paging testing]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# paging ip port 2000
Router(config)# ephone 1
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address aaaa.bbbb.cccc
Router(config-ephone)# paging-dn 10
Router(config-ephone)# type 7945
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:1
Router(config)# ephone 2
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address dddd.eeee.ffff
Router(config-ephone)# paging-dn 10
Router(config-ephone)# type 6941
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:2
2-6. MOH(Music On Hold)
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# moh
Router(config-telephony)# multicast moh port 2000
2-7. Call-forwarding
CFA : Call Forward All
CFB : Call Forward Busy
CFNA : Call Forward Not Available
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward all xxxx
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward busy 2000 : 2000 is voice mail box#.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward noan 2000 timeout 15 : 2000 is voice mail box#.
2-8. Call Pickup
Router(config-ephone)# pickup-group 1
2-9. Call Transfer
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# transfer-system full-blind
Router(config-telephony)# transfer-system full-consult
2-9. Speed-dial
Router(config)# ephone 10
Router(config-ephone)# speed-dial 1 XXXX label “XXXXXXXX”
Router(config-ephone)# speed-dial 2 1234 label “To-Hello”
2-10. DSI(Digital Speech Interpolation / VAD (Voice Activity Detection)
– Thpically, no sound in 33% of phone talk. Saving bandwidth by not sending any voice packets.
* CNG (Comfort Noise Generation)
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 8 voip
Router(config-dialpeer)# destination-pattern 8
Router(config-dialpeer)# session target ipv4:x.x.x.x
Router(config-dialpeer)# codec g729
Router(config-dialpeer)# vad
3. Dial Plan
3-1. Pattern Characters / String
– E.164 (ITU-T recommendation : Max 15 digit : Country + Reginal + Office code + Station (0~9, A~D.)
– North American Numbering Plan(NANP), N=[2-9], X=[0-9]
NXX(Area code) – NXX(Office code) – XXXX(Station #)
– * (The asterisk) : Being used for touch-ton dial pad
– , (Comma) : Instant stop.
– % (Percent Sign) : Repeat front digit more than 0 times (ex, 23% – 223, 22333, 2333, 222223, ……)
– + (Plus Sign) : Repeat front digit more than 1 times (ex, 23+ – 2323, 2388823, 232323)
– ^ (Circumflex) : Which indicates a match to the beginning of the string.
– $ (Dollar Sign) : Which matches the null string at the end of the input string.
– \ (Backslash symbol) : which is followed by a single character, and matches that character. Can be used with a single character with no other significance (matching that character)
– ? (Question mark) : same as “+“
– [ ] (Brackets) : Indicates of range (ex1, [2-3]0 – 20, 30. ex2, [4-5]. – 40~49, 50~59)
– ( ) (Parentheses : Indicates of Group.
– .T : Function alike default route on L3 world. Collect digits within interdigit timeout (10sec) and searching dial-peer. If you input #, all collected numbers will be executed.
3-2. Inbound dial peers
– Incoming called-number
– answer-address
– destination-pattern
– Port
– ANI (Automatic Number Identification) : Caller ID
– DNIS (Dialed Number Identification Service)
Router# conf t
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 22 pots
Router(config-dialpeer)# incoming called-number . or .T
Router(config-dialpeer)# port 2/0:22
Router(config-dialpeer)# direct-inward-dial
3-3. Basic Dial-peer
Dial-peer voice tag voip : Enter dial-peer config mode and specifies VoIP
Default parameter : default codec wiil set the dial peero to use
Destination-pattern string : configures a telephone number for the dial peer.
Frame relay ip rtp header-compression
Ip rtp header-compression
Session target ipv4: x.x.x.x : Destination IP for the gateway terminating a VoIP call
Router# conf t
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 22 voip
Router(config-dial-peer)# destination-pattern [2-9]……
Router(config-dial-peer)# session target ipv4: x.x.x.x
Router(config-dial-peer)# codec g711ulaw : Codec must be matched with peer.
Router(config-dial-peer)# max-conn 1
3-3-1. Basic Dial-peer – Inbound dial peer – POTS (Best practice)
Router# conf t
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 1 pots
Router(config-dialpeer)# incoming called-number .
Router(config-dialpeer)# direct-inward-dial
3-3-2. Basic Dial-peer – Inbound dial peer – VOIP (Best practice)
Router# conf t
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 1 voip
Router(config-dialpeer)# incoming called-number .
Router(config-dialpeer)# voice-class codec 1
Router(config-dialpeer)# dtmf-relay rtp-nte
3-3-3. Basic Dial-peer – Cisco Unity Express
Router# conf t
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 8000 voip
Router(config-dial-peer)# session protocol sipv2
Router(config-dial-peer)# session target ipv4:x.x.x.x
Router(config-dial-peer)# codec g711ulaw
Router(config-dial-peer)# dtmf-relay sip-notify
Router(config-dial-peer)# no vad
3-4. Toll-by-pass (Redundancy)
Router# conf t
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 1000 voip <– Primary Link
Router(config-dialpeer)# max-conn 1
Router(config-dialpeer)# preference 0
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 1001 pots <– Secondary Link
Router(config-dialpeer)# max-conn 1
Router(config-dialpeer)# preference 1
3-5. Inbound calls digit manipulation
Router# conf t
Router(config)# voice translation-rule 1
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# rule 1 /^344/ //
Router(config)# voice translation-rule 2
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# rule 1 /^777/ //
Router(config)# voice translation-profile PSTN-IN
Router(cfg-translation-profile)# translaate called 1
Router(config)# voice translation-profile PSTN-OUT
Router(cfg-translation-profile)# translaate called 2
Router(config)# voice-port 2/0:22
Router(config-voiceport)# translation-profile incoming PSTN-IN
Router(config-voiceport)# translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT
4. Trunk Configuration
– T1 (CAS) – Robbed-Bit Signaling : 24 Voice Channels
– T1 PRI (CCS) / 24CH – Q.931 Signaling : 23 Voice Channels + 1 Signaling Channel.
– E1 (CAS) – Out-of-Band : 30Voice channels + 1 Signaling channel + 1 Framing channel.
– E1 PRI (CCS) / 32CH- Q.931 Signaling : 30 Voice channels + 1 Sigaling channel + 1 Framing channel.
* BRI(CCS) – Q.931 Signaling : 2 Voice Channels + 1 Signaling Channel.
4-1. DID Trunk
Router(config)# voice-port 1/1/1
Router(config-voiceport)# signal did wink-start
Router(config)# voice-port 1/1/2
Router(config-voiceport)# signal groundstart
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 7 pots
Router(config-dialpeer)# incoming called-number
Router(config-dialpeer)# direct-inward-dial
Router(config-dialpeer)# port 0/0/4
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 910 pots
Router(config-dialpeer)# destination-pattern 9[2-8]………
Router(config-dialpeer)# port 0/0/0:55
4-2. CAMA Trunk
Router(config)# voice-port 1/1/1
Router(config-voiceport)# ani mapping 1 312
Router(config-voiceport)# signal cama KP-xxx-Nyy-KKKF-ST
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 911 pots
Router(config-dialpeer)# destination-pattern 911
Router(config-dialpeer)# prefix 911
Router(config-dialpeer)# port 1/1/1
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 9911 pots
Router(config-dialpeer)# destination-pattern 9911
Router(config-dialpeer)# prefix 911
Router(config-dialpeer)# port 1/1/1
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 910 pots
Router(config-dialpeer)# destination-pattern 9[2-8]………
Router(config-dialpeer)# port 0/0/0:55
4-3. ISDN
Router(config)# isdn switch-type primary-net5
Router(config)# controller t1 2/0
Router(config-controller)# framing esf
Router(config-controller)# linecode b8zs
Router(config-controller)# clock source internal
Router(config-controller)# pri-group timeslots 1-12
Router(config)# int serial 2/0:22
Router(config-if)# isdn protocol-emulate network
5. Troubleshooting
Router(config)# service timestamps log datetime msec localtime
Router(config)# service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime
Router(config)# logging buffered 4096 7
– Debug ephone register
– Debug voice dialpeer : Displays real-time dial peer processing information. This – command is executed in privileged mode.
– Debug voip ccapi inout : Displays real-time call control processing and call leg info.
– Debug voip rtcp : Displays real-time RTCP reports per call
– Debug vpm signal : Displays real-time digit conllection
– Debug vpm all
– Debug voip ccapi all : Displays the signals(included called/caller number) for FXO/FXS port (including any attempt to take a phone off hook.)