Author: Chris
Cisco CME dial-peer samples and Tips
Notes Router A (CME 7.1) Serial 1/0 – Fa 0/0 – FXS 0/0/1 – x1111 Router B (CME 7.1) Serial 1/0…
Cisco IOS Zone based Firewall configuration and Tips
Simple 6 Steps to configure Notes; Zones; Internet, Trust, WAAS and Guest Interface Serial1/0 : To the Internet Interface Gi0/0 : Trust Interface G1/0…
IPSec VPN between Cisco Router and ASA without NAT
Sample configuration for IPSec VPN between Cisco Router and ASA 5520 ver8.4 without NAT. Notes; R1 : Cisco 3745 ver. 12.4(15)T14 ASA : Cisco…
GNS3 1.2.1 – Cisco ASA 8.4 install and Tips
Here is a workaround of installing Cisco ASA 8.4 on GNS3 version 1.2.1 and Cisco ASDM and troubleshooting Tips. Notes: Windows7 Pro 8G memory…
How Cryptography and PKI and SSL work?
This is quick, basic and fundamental idea about Encryption method. 1. Encryption with Key system Encryption : Hiding what is sent from on node…
How to configure IPSec VPN with GNS3
Here is simple steps of configuring Cisco IPSec Site-to-Site VPN. Part1 – ISAKMP(Internet Security Association Key Management System) : To establish tunnel / secure…
Cisco License Information
CME License FL-CME-SRST-5 License = Price range $95~170 FL-CME-SRST-25 License = Price range $350~650 FL-CME-SRST-100 License = Price range $1,250~2,500 FL-CME-SRST-250 License = Price…
Cisco Embedded-Service-Engine configuration and tips
First of all, the Embedded Service Engine has minimum memory requirement. 1GB for Cisco 2911 and 2921 1.5GB for Cisco 2951 2GB for Cisco 3925…
Cisco Unified CME 9.5 Supported Firmware, Platforms and etc
Here is link for Cisco Unified CME 9.5 Supported Firmware, Platforms, Memory, and Voice Products
Hiding Cisco logging/warning messages by supressing
I got an old Cisco 2811 from ebay with cheap price. Out of box, I got below warning message. *Sep 10 01:29:05.887: %ENVMON-4-FAN_LOW_RPM: Fan 1 service…
Howto Configure Cisco Unified Communication Express in GNS3
How to create Cisco VoIP lab with Cisco Unified Communication Express in GNS3 1. Brief GNS3 version : 0.8.7 Cisco Router IOS :…
Public NTP server IP addresses
Here is popular list of public NTP server IP address ( ( ( ( ( ( (…
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