Wireshark‘s display filter expression syntax is quite useful. The filter is applied to a capture file, when the file has been created. It only displays packets which are matched on filter expression syntax. It is a powerful option, but not for beginner.(Sorry) Dialog type expression filter would be easier, but once used to it. You won’t back to dialog type of filter option. Here is a collection of expression syntax options were frequently used.
Comparison Operator
Comparison Operator | Description |
== | Equal to |
!= | Not Equal to |
< | Less than |
> | Greater than |
<= | Less than or equal to |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
Logical Operator
Logical Operator | Description |
AND | Both expression must be true |
OR | Either one of the expression must be true |
XOR | One and only one expression must be true |
NOT | Neither one of the expression is true |
!dns = To filter out all DNS traffic in the capture window
!arp = To filter out all ARP packets in the capture window
!icmp = To filter out all icmp packets in the capture window
frame.pkt_len <= 128 = To show the packets less than 128 bytes in length
ip.addr== = To show all packets with an IP address of
ip.addr== or ip.addr== = To show packets containing either IP address
not multicast and not broadcast = To show only unicast traffic
host www.ipBalance.com = To show all traffic from / to www.ipBalance.com
host www.ipBalance.com and not (port 80) = To show all traffic from /to www.ipBalance.com except web(port = 80) traffic
ip.dst== = To show all traffic destined to
ip.src== = To show all traffic sourced from
more to come
Ref : Display filter reference : http://www.wireshark.org/docs/dfref/