How to setup squid proxy/caching server on CentOS 7

Here is steps to complete install


1. First, clean-up yum

Squid-CentOS7# yum clean all


2. Update server for any missing package

Squid-CentOS7# yum -y update


3. Install squid

Squid-CentOS7# yum -y install squid


4. Configuration file

Squid-CentOS7# nano /etc/squid/squid.conf


From configuration file, make sure your network is on the acl list.

Cashe directory : cache_dir ufs /usr/local/squid/var/cache/squid 100 16 256


4. Help command

Squid-CentOS7# squid -h


5. Version check

Squid-CentOS7# squid -v


6. Start Squid

Squid-CentOS7# service squid start


7. Squid chkconfig

Squid-CentOS7# chkconfig squid on


8. Squid status

Squid-CentOS7# systemctl status squid


9. Squid stop

Squid-CentOS7# service squid stop or systemctl stop squid


10. Verifying zone

Squid-CentOS7# firewall-cmd –get-default-zone


11. Firewall port open

Squid-CentOS7# firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-port=3128/tcp –permanent


12. Save rules and restart

Squid-CentOS7# firewall-cmd –reload


Squid-CentOS7# systemctl stop / start firewalld


12. Firewalld status

Squid-CentOS7# systemctl status firewalld



14. Verifying squid service

Squid-CentOS7# tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log






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