Simple steps to install VMware-tools V5 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
1. From vSphere console, click “Install/Upgrade VMware Tools”. It will mount VMware tools install package.
2. Verifying VMwareTools package file.
3. Create Temp folder
4. Copy VMwareTools package file from the mounted CD to /temp(folder)
5. Extract VMwareTools package file
6. Open a terminal and move to /temp directory. Execute below command to install add-on package.
sudo apt–get install linux–headers–server build–essential
7. Move to /temp/vmware-tools-distrib and Execute below commands
cd /temp/vmware-tools-distrib
sudo ./vmware– –d
* While installing, many questions will be asked… go with default value.
8. Reboot
Reboot now
9. Completed.