Sunrise/TDC Switzerland AG’s BGP communities support
The following BGP community strings may be used to influence our routing policies. In all cases, the format of the string should be 6730:xxxx, where xxxx is defined in the table below
Do not Prepend
Send To peer: +1 +2 +3
1010 European Upstreams eu 1110 1210 1310
1011 US Upstreams uu 1111 1211 1311
1012 Level 3 (AS3356) uu 1112 1212 1312
1013 (ex AS15412) uu 1113 1213 1313
1014 France T. (AS5511) eu 1114 1214 1314
1015 (ex AS7018) eu 1115 1215 1315
1016 (ex AS1239) eu 1116 1216 1316
1019 Concert (AS5400) eu 1119 1219 1319
1021 Swiss private peers 1121 1221 1321
1022 TDC * 1122 1222 1322
1030 European Peerings ep 1130 1230 1330
1031 US Peerings up 1131 1231 1331
1032 LINX Peerings ep 1132 1232 1332
1033 AMS-IX Peerings ep 1133 1233 1333
1034 DE-CIX Peerings ep 1134 1234 1334
1035 SwissIX Peerings ep 1135 1235 1335
1036 VIX Peerings ep 1136 1236 1336
1037 SFINX Peerings ep 1137 1237 1337
1038 CIXP Peerings ep 1138 1238 1338
1039 MIX Peerings ep 1139 1239 1339
1040 (ex PAIX-PA) up 1140 1240 1340
1043 Int. private peers 1143 1243 1343
1044 TIX Peerings ep 1144 1244 1344
1045 NYIIX Peerings up 1145 1245 1345
1046 NOTA Peerings up 1146 1246 1346
1047 EQA Peerings up 1147 1247 1347
default customer route local pref 100
6730:0002 set local pref to 94
default swiss peer route local pref 90
6730:0004 set local pref to 84
default international peer route local pref 80
6730:0006 set local pref to 74
default upstream route local pref 70
6730:0008 set local pref to 64
To implement these BGP communities on your link to sunrise, use a config similar to the following
neighbor x.x.x.x description sunrise
neighbor x.x.x.x send-community
neighbor x.x.x.x route-map to_sunrise out
route-map to_sunrise permit 10
set community 6730:aaaa
The following BGP community strings may be used to determine the source of a route
6730:6000 Global Transit Customer
6730:6001 Swiss Transit Customer
6730:6100 Upstream
6730:6201 National Peer
6730:6232 LINX
6730:6233 AMS-IX
6730:6234 DE-CIX
6730:6235 SwissIX
6730:6236 VIX
6730:6237 SFINX
6730:6238 CIXP
6730:6239 MIX
6730:6243 sunrise Partner
6730:6244 TIX
6730:6245 NYIIX
6730:6246 NOTA (Miami)
6730:6247 EQA (Ashburn)
Concert (AS5400)
Do not announce to US upstreams/peers
Do not announce to european peers
Applying BGP Community string with sample configuration
2. Pick the best BGP community string for your traffic shaping plan (mainly incoming traffic). Most of ISPs are providing BGP community string with local preference and AS prepending option. Cannot tell which one is better than the other. It will depend on your global traffic shaping plan.
3. Follow the below commands ( Cisco only )
The below Sample configuration will tag the route with [ISP AS]:120 or [ISP AS]:3 and will not tag any other routes.
router#config t
router(config)#ip bgp-community new-format
router(config)#access-list 10 permit
router(config)#access-list 10 deny any
router(config)#route-map [to-ISP] permit 10
router(config-route-map)#match ip address 10
router(config-route-map)#set community [ISP AS]:120 <—- using Local Preference
router(config-route-map)#set community [ISP AS]:3 <——- using AS prepending
router(config-route-map)#route-map [to-ISP] permit 20
router(config)#router bgp [xxxx] <——————————- xxxx = customer’s ASN
router(config-router)#neighbor x.x.x.x send-community
router(config-router)#neighbor x.x.x.x route-map [to-ISP] out
router#copy running-config startup-config
4. And then, go to and pick one of route server on the map to see your announcement. If you are using AS prepending option, you will see your AS prepends on route servers. Sometime you might not see your route with particular ISP path.
In most of case it might not be any routing problem, just the route path was dropped at somewhere by BGP best path selection scheme. Try Oregon route server, if you can see your route. The Oregon route server is providing many possible and available paths between BGP speakers and neighbors.
If you don’t see your route on there? check other route servers and also check your
BGP configuration. You might need to contact your upstream provider to check what they are learning BGP route from you.