If DSU mode is not matched with other side, it might cuase intermittent error or synchonization issue. You must know what type of DSU is connected to the remote port to determine if it interoperates with an E3 or T3 controller or a PA-E3 or PA-T3 port adapter. To improves interoperability, The local interface configuration must match the remote interface configuration. For example, if you define the data service unit (DSU) interoperability mode as 1 on the local port, you must also do the same on the remote port.
DSU mode optioin
Option 0
Sets the interoperability mode to 0. This is the default. Specify mode 0 to connect an E3 controller to another E3 controller or to a Digital Link DSU (DL3100). Specify mode 0 to connect a PA-E3 port adapter to another PA-E3 port adapter or to a Digital Link DSU (DL3100). Use mode 0 to connect a PA-T3 port adapter to another PA-T3 port adapter or to a Digital Link DSU (DL3100).
EX)Cisco PAT3 / E3 or controller <—> Cisco PAT3
Cisco PAT3 / E3 or controller <—> Digital Link (DL3100)
Option 1
Sets the interoperability mode to 1. Specify mode 1 to connect an E3 or T3 controller or a PA-E3 or PA-T3 port adapter to a Kentrox DSU.
Option 2
Sets the interoperability mode to 2. Specify mode 2 to connect a T3 controller or a PA-T3 port adapter to a Larscom DSU.
Option 3
Sets the interoperability mode to 3. Specify mode 3 to connect a T3 controller to an Adtran T3SU 300.
Option 4
Sets the interoperability mode to 4. Specify mode 4 to connect a T3 controller to a Verilink HDM 2182.