BGP configuration for Shadow Service
The following configuration is based on two links to same peer(ASN). In order to configure Nortel/Tasman router, just copy and paste below configuration from configuraion mode
Neighbor ASN : 200
Neighbor IP address : and
load_balance per_flow
exit ip
router bgp 100
redistribute static
redistribute connected
group primary-link external
route_map primary-out out
exit group
group shadow-link external
route_map shadow-out out
exit group
neighbor 200
neighbor_group primary-link
maximum_prefix 1000
timers 60
exit neighbor
neighbor 200
neighbor_group shadow-link
maximum_prefix 1000
route_map shadow-in in
timers 60
exit neighbor
exit bgp
policy route_map primary-out 10 permit
origin igp
exit set
exit route_map
policy route_map shadow-in 10 permit
metric 10
exit set
exit route_map
policy route_map shadow-out 10 permit
metric 10
exit set
exit route_map
Tasman-Router> conf t
Tasman-Router/configure> router bgp 100
Tasman-Router/configure/router/bgp 100> ?
aggregate_address– configure bgp aggregate entries
always_compare_med– allow comparing MED from different neighbors
default_metric — set metric of redistributed routes
distance — set protocol distance for BGP routes
group — specify a group
neighbor — specify a neighbor router
redistribute — redistribute routes from another protocol
> To see advertisement of your route
Tasman-Router> display ip bgp neighbors address adv
> To see what you receiving from peer/neighbor
Tasman-Router>display ip bgp neighbors address rec