Cisco power redundancy operationally = non-redundant, why?


Why Cisco 6509-E indicates "operationally non-redundant"? and  occasionally, one of slot is reloaded itself. It might be couple of reasons, but in my workaround it was low power-input on one of power supply. Due to the circumstance, other power supply will be overwhelming to provide all the powers.

Here is output

1. Type show power to identify "operationally = non-redundant"

 Cisco_6500-E# show power system power redundancy mode = redundant system power redundancy operationally = non-redundant system power total =     2573.32 Watts (62.56 Amps @ 42V) system power used =      1374.52 Watts (31.06 Amps @ 42V) system power available = 1245.80 Watts (30.40 Amps @ 42V)                         Power-Capacity PS-Fan Output Oper PS   Type               Watts   A @42V Status Status State ---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ----- 1    WS-CAC-2700W       2573.32 62.56  OK     OK     on 2    WS-CAC-2700W       1374.52 31.06  OK     OK     on 



2. Type show environment 


Cisco_6500-E# show environment

environmental alarms:

  no alarms



  operating clock count: 2


fan-tray 1:

  fan-tray 1 type: FAN-MOD-4HS

  fan-tray 1 mode: Restricted-power

  fan-tray 1 fan-fail: OK

clock 1:

  clock 1 OK: OK, clock 1 clock-inuse: in-use

clock 2:

  clock 2 OK: OK, clock 2 clock-inuse: not-in-use

power-supply 1:

  power-supply 1 fan-fail: OK

  power-supply 1 power-input: AC high

  power-supply 1 power-output-mode: high

  power-supply 1 power-output-fail: OK

power-supply 2:

  power-supply 2 fan-fail: OK

  power-supply 2 power-input: AC low

  power-supply 2 power-output-mode: low

  power-supply 2 power-output-fail: OK

module 1:




3. As you can see power supply 2 is getting low AC power-input. If power input is not matched, it will be caused "operationally = non-redundant".

4. Check power-input on power-supply 2




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