Welcome to Visit ipBalance.com.
I hope everyone take a piece of tips, knowledge, information, expertise and whatever you need it for today.
Like our slogan, "Sharing Expertise", we want to share all the technical knowledge in Internet Technology fields. Our website domain is implicated a word ‘Cisco’ which is one of famous networking vendor. However, this website doesn’t have any business relationship with the company at all. Also, no relationship with any other vendors mentioned on this website. All articles and information on this website are written by our volunteers with hand-on experience or some of information is collected from Internet for convenience purpose for visitors. We tried to put a source of information if the information is not origin from our website. Some of information would be outdated or not correctly posted. If you found one, please let us know ASAP, then we will correct it in timely manner or remove it if necessary. Please read our term of use and privacy policy on footer area.
- Diverse Topics, solutions and expertise in IT fields!
- Time Saver!
- Target technical level!
– Diverse Topics, solutions and expertise in IT fields!
We will post topics and discuss about diverse IT fields, non-specific vendors. There are no limitation for a topic. We are focusing on IT field, but still we can discuss about other topics
– Time Saver!
Have you ever spent whole night to find and chase information or solution through the Internet ? If we already went through the same issue that you are facing now, just pick a solution or result, and use the time with kids. (or dogs… whatever you want to spend…)
– Target technical level!
Most of articles would be written for IT beginner or similar level, but not for savvy. It should be easy to read and quick to understand.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us
Thank you
– Admin –
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